
Website packages that suits every stage of your business growth

 Imagine the monthly rent for your house could also give you access to high security protocols to make sure you are safe; decoration and maintenance services to ensure your experience of living there is as smooth as possible. You just need to enjoy your stay while everything else is taken care of. 

That’s exactly what you get here with us apart from your website:  A modern managed infrastructure that handles all the major challenges a website might face when released to the public: Downtime, attacks, slow loading time, outdated components etc. All of that could be easily valued at $500 / month, but it’s free when you subscribe to one of our packages.


$ 100
/ month
  • 4 pages (basic)
  • Fast website hosting
  • Basic Maintenance
  • 10 GB Space
  • 4 email accounts
  • Weekly backups
  • Free SLL (https)
  • Security Updates & Monitoring
  • 30 min of free support / month
  • Payment gateway
  • Extra features


$ 150
/ month
  • 5 pages (optimized)
  • Faster website hosting
  • Advanced Maintenance
  • 20 GB Space
  • Unlimited email accounts
  • Daily backups
  • Free SLL (https)
  • Security Updates & Monitoring
  • 30 min of free support / month
  • Payment gateway
  • Extra featutres


$ 250
/ month
  • 5+ pages (optimized)
  • Faster website hosting
  • Advanced Maintenance
  • 30 GB Space
  • Unlimited email accounts
  • Daily backups
  • Free SLL (https)
  • Security Updates & Monitoring
  • 30 min of free support / month
  • Payment gateway
  • Extra features

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