Hilman Evrard
Web Designer & Project Manager | hilman@hilmandesign.com
I think this is one of the best feelings a business owner can have: Knowing your requirements were met in a way that almost exceeded your expectation.
Brenda Pierce Davies is in the Credit Repair industry. She is the Founder and CEO of BJ&K Family Solution LLC. This is how she described her needs to us:
“I want my website to be a reflection of myself and my company’s professionalism. After viewing my website, my clients should feel as if they have already met me.”
We had to ask more questions to have a complete overview of her business. We then applied the SMW Method steps:
1 – Setting Up Sales Strategy: Who is the BJ&K audience, what problem does BJ&K solve for them, and what’s the method?
BJ&K’s audience consists of people who need to repair their credit scores. Brenda also told us the audience she works with is segmented into 3:
- Those who need credit repair.
- Those who need an employment opportunity.
- Those who have no credit history.
This is what we produced with that input:
One of the principles the SMW Method plus follows is: “A website must always enter the conversation that is directly taking place in the customer’s mind.”
We applied that principle with the message: “We Assist You In Getting Your Buying Power Back.”
BJ&K ‘s main audience is looking for this, as a bad credit score affects their buying power.
The role of this section of the website is to make the audience feels like they have come to the right place where someone finally understands what they are going through.
The next question the audience will have is: How do you help me regain my buying power back?
Remember we are entering the conversations taking place in their mind, and the following section of the website was meant to answer that question: The BJ&K Method
Since the audience is segmented into 3 categories, we’ve made sure the website offered a clear path for each one of them.
The next thing that will come into the audience’s mind is: Where are the people whom you were able to repair the credit for?
2 – Management Strategy: How can the website do some tasks for you?
Brenda needed help with her company’s ability to stay organized and on top of the business. We added an online appointment feature in that regard and the result was very much appreciated.
3 – Crafting A Website Plan: The overall strategy to get clients from the website
4 – Conclusion: What does BJ&K Family Solutions Get Out of Their Website?
A cohesive system that works as a salesperson and a manager. That’s how they were able to increase their client base by 15% with no additional work.
For a business that makes only $30,000 in revenue a month, a 15% increase is an extra $54,000 a year. And usually, this will equal even more in actual profits since the costs haven’t changed much or at all.
So, this is a MASSIVE result.